BMS Organics Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is extracted from fresh organic coconut kernel which has undergone minimal processing to retain its natural vitamin E, antioxidants as well as its natural coconut taste and flavour. It is made up of 65.9% of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) which is more rapidly broken down and absorbed into the body; 50% of lauric acid that is proven may help to strengthen immune system, improve digestion and body stamina.
- 100% Pure & Unrefined
- Cold Pressed by Centrifugal Extraction
- 65.9% MCT
- 50% Lauric Acid
- Trans Fat Free
- Cholesterol Free
- High Smoke Point (177°C)
- Product of Malaysia
100% Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Suggested Consumption Method:
Adult: 1 tablespoon (15ml), 3 times a day
Children: 1 teaspoon (5ml), 1 time a day
Storage Method:
No artificial preservatives added. Store in a cool, dry place. Once opened, please close tightly and consume within 120 days for its best quality.
BMS Organics 有机特级初榨椰子油是从新鲜有机椰子仁中提取, 并经过较少的加工过程以保留天然维生素E,抗氧化剂以及天然椰子的口感和风味。其含约65.9%的中链甘油三酯 (MCT) ,可迅速分解并容易被人体吸收; 约50%的月桂酸,有助于加强免疫系统,提高消化力和身体的耐力。
- 100% 纯净和未精炼
- 使用冷压离心萃取技术
- 65.9% MCT
- 50%月桂酸
- 不含反式脂肪
- 不含胆固醇
- 高烟点(177°C)
- 马来西亚产品
100% 有机特级初榨椰子油